Transformation in the Making - Contemporary Poetry by Deidre Washington
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 The Grass Ain't
As I close my eyes I imagine the stars so close they can be touched, wished on....No wishes things happen in their own time..... Thinking of caresses so Sweet the back of my ear tingles every time I relive the moment....Choosing to be in the moment only when it is just that a moment... And knowing that the Sweet ain't always sooo Sweet.....And so I look at you in awe at the beauty of IT all and wonder, Why are you satisfied strong black woman with the thought of a temporary relief?....And I wonder some more, Beautiful black sister who is it that has mentally discombobulated you?..... Who are these figures throughout your life who have deliberately taken your respect, your love of self and Why the F$#@ you ain't fightin to get it back??? (Just a thought)

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